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FIT TO BLOG: 10 of the best health and fitness bloggers
July 27 2017
In today’s digital world, bloggers can be hugely influential in helping to promote your product and increase the credibility of both you and your business. Since health and exercise has become a big part of mainstream popular culture, more people are looking beyond the traditional news outlets to search for advice and help on how to achieve their fitness goals.
Bloggers can provide wider media coverage and authentic recognition for your product, so we have put together a list of some of the best health and fitness bloggers for you to check out:
1. imperfectmatter.com
Cat Meffan blogs about her fitness journey whilst also helping others to make beneficial changes to their lifestyle through product reviews, working with well-known brands and experimenting with healthy, nutritious recipes that will help people be the best they can be. Follow Cat on Twitter: @CatMeffan
2. fitnessontoast.com
Faya Nilsson is a personal trainer that shares her fitness experience through creative workout ideas and unique recipes. She created her blog to help those who are striving for a healthy, happy lifestyle. Faya’s blog has won the UK Blog Awards and the Cosmopolitan ‘Best Lifestyle Blog’ award. Follow Faya on Twitter: @FitnessOnToast
3. twicethehealth.com
This blog is run by two women in London to track their fitness, food, and health explorations, whilst inspiring others to do the same and get involved. They share training tips and techniques, their participation in runs and everyday health advice. Follow Twice the Health on Twitter: @twicethehealth
4. marksdailyapple.com
Mark Sisson is a former elite endurance athlete that aspires to help and support people in taking responsibility for their fitness and be enthusiastic about living a healthy, active lifestyle whatever their age. Follow Mark on Twitter: @Mark_Sisson
5. lottiemurphy.com
Lottie is dedicated to supporting others in their health and fitness journey. Her blog has various sections, including her favourite nutritious recipes, Pilates workouts, exciting activewear and lifestyle/personal stories to help inspire others. Follow Lottie on Twitter: @LottielMurphy
6. lungesandlycra.co.uk
Run by Charlotte Thomas and Emma Lax, this blog is aimed at the everyday woman that aspires for a balanced lifestyle. Lunges and Lycra contains workouts, interviews, reviews and the latest in fitness to ensure women are well-informed and supported in how to safely achieve good health. Follow Charlotte and Emma on Twitter: @lungesandlycra
7. thewelshrunner.com
Matt Rees has always loved sport and decided to take up running as a way to escape the stress of everyday life. He does product reviews associated with running and blogs about his latest fitness achievements to inspire others. Follow Matt on Twitter: @thewelshrunner
8. paddlepedalpace.co.uk
Lucy Edwards participates in endurance sport and is an ambassador for Women for Tri, a scheme set up to champion the involvement of women in triathlons. Lucy’s blog won the My Protein Fitness Blogger Awards in the Best Running Blog category. Follow Lucy on Twitter: @paddlepedalpace
9. greenandaquamarine.com
Eleanor wants to make healthy living accessible, budget friendly and sustainable. This blog is a guide to fitness, with yoga tips, nourishing recipes, and wellness advice. Eleanor’s goal is to find the best way to live healthy, in a way that suits modern living. Follow Eleanor on Twitter: @EleanorMayC
10. kriscarr.com
Kris has been living with cancer for over a decade and is dedicated to helping others enjoy their time and live a healthy life to the fullest. She does inspirational wellness and fitness articles to help inform people about the choices they should make that will benefit them and their bodies in the long run. Follow Kris on Twitter: @Kris_Carr